Home Visit Physiotherapy service
If you or your loved one are in need of Physiotherapist in the South Hertfordshire or North London area and require a physiotherapy at home then read on…
South Herts Neuro Physiotherapy is run by Hana Bond who has over twenty years of physiotherapy experience, providing neurological assessment and physiotherapy treatment in the comfort of your own home including care homes.
What we do:
Following a detailed initial assessment session, Hana will develop an optimal treatment programme that is suited to the individual need. Your treatment programme is specific to you and based on your goals identified during your initial assessment session. The therapy may include things like: education, training, posture awareness, strengthening, stretching, balance re-training and walking re-education (if applicable). Hana is more than happy to discuss and answer any questions prior to a home visit.
Neurophysiotherapists specialise in treatment of individuals who have neurological conditions. This means a problem associated with the central nervous system, namely the brain and spinal cord. Neuro Physiotherapy aims to identify and maximise movement potential and your quality of life. Due to the complexities of the central nervous system, people with neurological problems can have a variety of problems. These may be muscle stiffness or spasm, muscle weakness, tremor, problems with sensation etc.
Conditions we treat:
- Stroke
- MS
- Parkinson’s disease
- Head injuries
- Head injury
- Ataxia
- Mobility problems following orthopaedic surgery
- Rehabilitation for the elderly